Environmental Programs
Clean Power Loaner is our answer to noisy polluting generators. Borrow a battery electric power station. We have several different sizes/capacities. They can be used for things like night time sporting event lighting, farmers markets, camping and more. We also have high powered overhead LED lights, solar panels and a PA system for loan as well. Say goodbye to noisy and smelly generators by contacting us at CleanPower@steglobal.org
EV Charging is our program to advise, install and advocate for EV charging infrastructure in areas where under-served populations exist, such as office and apartment buildings. Having more penetration of EV charging helps create a cleaner environment by promoting the adoption of electric vehicles.
Email to apply or find out more: EVCharging@steglobal.org
Solar for All is our solar power grant and advocacy program. Our installations pave the path to a cleaner, more sustainable future. Our renewable energy installations generate more than 15mw of power per year!
Solar for All is currently closed to new applicants until we secure additional funding.
Technology Programs
Our technology division administers programs to help people bridge the digital divide and use technology to not only better their lives, but the lives of others as well.
Computer and Technology Grants provide easy to use technology and ongoing support and education to a diverse population of people in need, including students, victims of DV (domestic violence) and people within the disabled population.
Email to apply or find out more: ctgrants@steglobal.org
Through our partnership with Mobile Beacon and Techsoup, we have been sponsoring Free Internet Access. Recipients include qualified students and families. People can quickly feel left behind without access to high speed internet - we bridge that gap.
Email to apply or find out more: FreeInternet@steglobal.org
Meet The Team
Our diverse backgrounds and worldwide experiences give us a unique perspective on environmental and technology issues that we, as a whole human society, face. Our goal is to promote global awareness of environmental issues among young and old and to support excellence in the sciences and technology that help our environment.
We come from a diverse background and our team's 40+ years of combined experience in the technology, science and financial industries gives us a unique perspective on solving the worlds environmental issues. We have always celebrated and promoted environmental awareness and formed STE Global to do even more. Assist us in assisting the environment and supporting excellence in others whom are passionate about this as well.
Lawrence Hua
Carenna Willmont
Mark Scott